Finally T-Mobile decided to join the party and reveal theiPhone 4 UK price for those wanting to buy one on their network. Right now the iPhone 4 isn't ready for sale on the network but it expected soon.
All contracts for the iPhone 4 are 24 months on T-Mobile with monthly costs starting at £25/month and going up to £60/month in £5 increments to £45 and a jump up to £60/month after that. Only the 16GB iPhone 4 is available for free on the largest price plan. The cheapest you can get a 32GB model for is £99 on the £60/month plan.
The data offered on each plan is not spectacular either with T-Mobile offering just 500MB on the majority of plans with the £45/month plan offering 750MB and the top plan offering 1GB of data.
Minutes and texts wise, you get 100 of each on the cheapest plan going up from there as the monthly commitment increases.
The full list of prices are available over at T-Mobile with a small sample image below of the lower priced plans. Will you be choosing T-Mobile? So far it looks like Three or Tesco is the best way forwards.