Uploading HD video wirelessly? iphone
07-08) 10:06 PDT -- A lot has been written about the iPhone 4's ability to record HD video, and its inability to upload via the AT&T 3G wireless network (maybe next year, guys). However, there's another way you can record HD video and upload it wirelessly (via Wi-Fi), with the help of two cool tools:
The scoop: DXG-A85V Pro Gear high-definition video camera, by DXG, about $320; and Eye-Fi Pro X2 8GB SDHC card, about $150.

When you add the Eye-Fi Pro X2 card to the camera, you can automatically upload your videos and photos via Wi-Fi network to a photo sharing site, including Facebook (as well as Flickr and Picasa). The card features its Endless Memory Mode, which automatically frees up space on the card once photos and videos have been uploaded. The card can also upload images and videos through AT&T Wi-Fi hot spots (including Starbucks and McDonald's locations). But for the most part, you'll want to upload photos through your own Wi-Fi network at home, especially if you have an 802.11n network.

Some caveats: On the camera, I would have preferred an external microphone jack, which can help in noisy environments. On the card, I have no complaints other than the sticker price -- make sure that wireless uploading is something you plan to do frequently, otherwise you can pick up a regular SDHC for a lower price.
Grade: 4.5 stars (out of five) for each product.
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